Concert tickets are non-refundable. Only season subscribers may change seats or receive ticket donation acknowledgement and must notify one week in advance. No seat change or ticket donation on the day of concert.
In the event of unforeseen cancellation made by the Symphony, patrons will receive an email to choose one of two options:
- Donate the value of their tickets to Lexington Symphony, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization tax identification number 04-3301650
- Transfer their tickets to another performance of the season
We encourage patrons to SUBSCRIBE to performances for the whole season
- Save 10% on ticket prices by purchasing a subscription
- The ability to change seats and receive donation acknowledgement for donated tickets, 5 days in advance
- 10% discount on additional adult tickets purchased
- Save on ticket fees: Subscribers pay only one ticket fee, instead of fees on each single ticket purchase
- Full access to special post-concert receptions with our sponsors, Maestro McPhee, musicians, and guest artists
Questions about your tickets? Email info@lexingtonsymphony.org or call 781-523-9009.